mercoledì 16 febbraio 2011

Our Passions!!!

After having talked about the film "Speak", we will talk about our biggest passions.
B: I like all kinds of sports, with the ecception of football, but my passion is dancing that I have been doing since I was 6 years old.
My dream is to do ballet but unluckily, in this zone it isn't enough appreciated, so I haven't the possibility to do it because there aren't any schools where I can study dance and do some exams. For this reason I do Latin-american and caraibic dances, both in group with some other girls and in couple with a boy, because they are very different activities for people to do, and they are funny!
I think that dancing, like all the other sports, can be a good medicine for people who are living difficult moments, because it helps to not think about the problems of life and, for this reason, I think that everyone must try to do some sports.

 E: In my free time I love singing and dancing folk dances.
I love singing because when I sing I can be in another world and not think about the difficult things, but unlickily I couldn't study it because my family didn't want that I    spend my life studying it.
I also love dancing because I dance with my village's folk group. With my folk group I love to travel and meet new people and new cultures because the different cultures are very interesting!! Dancing folk dances is very difficult because you must move your feet very very quickly and follow the music at the same time but it is very beautiful also because the dresses that we use are very special and they make the choreography spectacular!

sabato 12 febbraio 2011


The violence of women is a phenomenon very widespread in the society and it’s always increasing in a lot of places in spite of the law.
The biggest problem is that this phenomenon is recently starting to spread also between the adolescents, who are developing and who suffer violence from their schoolmates, contemporaries and friends too.

The film “Speak” talks about this problem; Melinda Sordino is the protagonist, she's a young girl that was raped by Andy Evans, a student of the same school she attends. She has a lot of problems with other students of school, with her parents and teachers, especially because she’s afraid to speak about his big problem with someone that can help her in some way and she hasn’t the courage to do it.
The film also speaks about the relationships between the protagonist, the parents and the teachers.
Her parents don’t know anything and they don’t worry about their daughter who has strange attitudes when she’s at school, at home, who every night has nightmares and she often gets bad grades in some subjects. Her mother is too busy with her work and her father is too indifferent because he’s unemployed and he’s always looking for a job; they don’t spend any time with Melinda so they can’t understand that she needs help.
The only teacher who understands that she has a serious problem, is the Art teacher (Mr. Neck); he helps her during his lessons and they became almost friends. The behaviour of the teacher of social studies is very different because he’s very indifferent to her.
That’s a very bad thing because I think that the teachers can help some students not only for the school but for some private problems too.