mercoledì 16 febbraio 2011

Our Passions!!!

After having talked about the film "Speak", we will talk about our biggest passions.
B: I like all kinds of sports, with the ecception of football, but my passion is dancing that I have been doing since I was 6 years old.
My dream is to do ballet but unluckily, in this zone it isn't enough appreciated, so I haven't the possibility to do it because there aren't any schools where I can study dance and do some exams. For this reason I do Latin-american and caraibic dances, both in group with some other girls and in couple with a boy, because they are very different activities for people to do, and they are funny!
I think that dancing, like all the other sports, can be a good medicine for people who are living difficult moments, because it helps to not think about the problems of life and, for this reason, I think that everyone must try to do some sports.

 E: In my free time I love singing and dancing folk dances.
I love singing because when I sing I can be in another world and not think about the difficult things, but unlickily I couldn't study it because my family didn't want that I    spend my life studying it.
I also love dancing because I dance with my village's folk group. With my folk group I love to travel and meet new people and new cultures because the different cultures are very interesting!! Dancing folk dances is very difficult because you must move your feet very very quickly and follow the music at the same time but it is very beautiful also because the dresses that we use are very special and they make the choreography spectacular!

8 commenti:

  1. B: Classic dance is amazing.. what a pity!

    E: I'm gelous :) I'd like to travel with a folk group but I'm very engaged to play volleyball.

  2. I love the dresses that you use during the folk dances because they are original and each village has his particular dress! =)

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  4. We think that dancing is a beautiful sport, the traditional dance too! We believe it is very important to pass on the traditions of our villages!!! :)

  5. Preserve the traditions is a very nice thing! everybody should do something to preserve ous traditions, and dance is a very good way to do it.

  6. classic dance is very beautiful !!! I wanted do that but with my body I can' t =(

  7. folk dances are a way to preserv our rooths and to commmemorate our history.. we should not make the mistake of breaking down dance in differents styles... classic dance transmits harmony, latin dance fun andd hiphop happyness...(etc.etc) so i'm happy you like dance at all..there aren't differences between it and music so i understand why you says it's often a' s true and it' s better than it

  8. Latin-american dance is sooooooooo sexy!!!! ahahhaha yes =) =) and you do it very very well!!!! I think that dancing is a great passion and a good sport for the body!!!

    You have a good voice and I'm sorry that you can't study it!!
    I know your folk group and I think that we had a great time at the Alessandro's marriange !!!! what do you think??? bye bye :D
