domenica 13 marzo 2011

What can we do to save the world?

We all live together in a world where not everyone pays attention to preserve nature!! 
But if we want the world to live forever we have to do it and there are a lot of ways.
Last week, we saw a video at school that talked about one of these ways that was to be vegetarian. I think that it can be a good idea but it can be dangerous for our health because we need to eat meat, eggs, milk, cheese...

I think that the biggest problem of the world is pollution.
It is a phenomenon that is always more diffused in the world because we need to produce energy and we do it with sources of energy that aren't renewable; so we produce waste that can't be reused in some way, and we are forced to leave them in the sea or underground; and they are very dangerous.
But, if we can use some sources of renewable energy, (like the energy we take from the sun, the water, the wind ecc.) why don't take advantage of them?
It can be a very good solution to stop the pollution. and there are some contries that already do it. I think that in Italy too we must use them also because they are less expensive. 

It is very important to save the world and everybody has to understand it!! 
We have to try to do it everyday and doing everything all together and we must diffuse the message to everyone, more of all to the young people because they are the future of the world and they will live in this world.

5 commenti:

  1. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  2. yeah..sure! young peole must be the springboard of the change that we must do...

  3. Yes! We've got to think about our children: what future will they have? We must change our habits and we must be less selfish for new generations.

  4. Man is a omnivorousness and then he needs to eat meat too, and every type of food, so I don't think that to be vegetarian is a good idea!!!
    We just need to respect the nature and we have to save Earth's energy.

  5. yes!!! Becouse the world deserve to be save!! And we must respect it ;)
