sabato 4 giugno 2011

Plains for next summer

My summer will be fantastic!!!!! =)

This scholastic year has been tiring because we had a lot of things to study and also new subjects but it has been fantastic!!
We went to Madrid for a week, we made the self-management and we had a lot of fun in class!!
For summer I won’t see all my classmates  because they will leave Sardinia to go to Torchy, Ireland, Modena, Thailand, USA and so on; I will stay here but I’ll stay in contact with them every night if time zone will permit us to communicate. I hope it if not I will call them when they will be sleeping!! =)

This summer, I don’t know if I will work like the last  year, because I want to have fun, have more time for me, my family and my friends also if I want to earn some money to buy everything I want!! More of all clothes and shoes. My mother won’t obstruct me with my business =)
I think that I won’t think about school, but I will only read some books when I am bored on the beach!! I will go to dance with my friends who will stay here, and I'm also planning to go with them to the “acquafun”.
So, I will have a lot of fun and I will take a lot of photos to show them to everyone =)

martedì 31 maggio 2011


Smirne <3
The 14th of June I'm going to leave to go to Turkey and I will spend all my summer there until the 30th of September. I will pass my time in a turkish family that lives in Smirne, a big city called also Izmir by the turkish people. This city is near the sea but I'm going to live for most of my time in Cesme, a village on the point of the peninsula where there is the gulf of Smirne.
I will live in a villa with a garden and a big swimming pool.
Cesme :)
The family where I'm going to live is composed by Giuliano, the father; Benyil, the mother and Dario, the little son with which i will talk in Italian. My little work is only to talk with Dario because Giuliano is italian but he works all day and so Dario understands Italian but he can't speak it very well.
They don't live alone, Benyil's sisters also live with them and when we will live in Cesme, their parents will also live there .

I think this experience will be fantastic also for my internal growth, for the new language that I will learn and for the new culture that i will know! Ele

mercoledì 25 maggio 2011


Communication is very important for the society, because it permits us to establish relationships with people that live near us or in other countries so we can’t see and talk with them.
Technology every day evolves, so from the past it continues to change. Before we also used mobile-telephones and letters, now we can also use computers, fax, e-mails, messages, facebook, msn, skype and so on..
It’s very easy; we can talking with people, seeing them and not only writing. Everyday I send messages with my mobile-phone like all the teenagers that I know, I send e-mails to my parents that don’t live in Italy and I can’t meet them every time I want; I use facebook and sometimes msn too to chat with my friends. We have a private group where only my classmates and me can chat about something. All it is free and very fast. I prefer this ways of communication because they are faster than letters and also because letters sometimes don’t arrive to the person who must receive them and they leave. They aren’t sure. I love facebook because we can’t only chat but we can also publish some photos, some sentences where I can write what I feel, some musics and trailers of new films; I can comment everything and express what I think about something.

martedì 10 maggio 2011

The ROYAL WEDDING bet ween William and Kate!! =)

It seemed a modern fairy tale!!
The 29th of April 20011 the England's Prince William married the beautiful Kate that became PRINCESS!!!
I wanted to see the wedding in tv but I couldn't because unluckly I was at school =( so I watched it after on Internet!!
I think they were very beautiful!! More of all I concentrated my attention to Kate's dress that I'm sure it was very expensive!! It was very simple, white and it didn't seem that of a Princess but I very liked it!! And with the gloves she was very refined and elegant =)
 At the ceremony there were a lot of rich and famous peoples like David and Victoria Beckham, Rowan Atkinson (that we know like Mr. Bean), the ex husband of the singer Madonna, the actor Hugh Grant, Felipe from Spain with his mother and his wife Letizia and so on.
Furthermore, another important thing is that William gave to Kate the gold Lady Diana's ring as wedding-ring. I think that it was the proof that he very loved her!!

Me too, when I will married I will wear some gloves but my dress won't be white..but fair pink and I will have a little crown (like a princess!!) with a long long long veil!! =)

martedì 12 aprile 2011

Madrid!!! :)

Today I will talk about the school trip that my school mates and I did last month in Madrid!! The first day of the school trip I was very scared because I didn't know how that experience could be. I thought that the journey would be boring and also tiring but it was all fantastic! We visited lot of museums and squares and my feet were destroyed but the curiosity was too much! Eat in Madrid is very cheap and also the transports are economic. The metro in Madrid is very organized and I liked it very much. In the squares, especially at night, there were  many people until late night. Shops close late, like 10 or 11 o' clock. A very good thing because life in Madrid is at  night!!! I hope to return soon because i love this city:)                                                                                                                         Eleonora..                                                                                         


Last month, I went to Madrid, in Spain, with my class; we started the school trip the 29th of March and we returned the 2nd of April. I was very happy especially because it was the first trip with my schoolmates, so I can say with my friends!! We were enthusiast and excited because we knew that Madrid was a wonderful city!!

We visited a lot of museums like Reina Sofia that was very interesting, but my favourite was Thyssen Bornemisza where I saw Picasso's painting: Guernika. It was very big, white and black; the art teacher explained that it represented a war and the sadness for this terrible war. We liked it a lot so we took a photo!!

 We also visited Prado's museum but we did it the third day we were in Madrid, we were very tired for having walked too much the days before, so we only went to see Goia's painting; I detested him because his works were sad and macabre!! =(

Our hotel was in the centre of the city; sometimes we took the metro that was very efficient but we prefered to go out by foot to see every aspect of Madrid that I think is very quiet and clean!!
We were very lucky!! The weather was very good; it was always sunny and hot. It seemed summer.
Everyday we went to shop in some streets near the most important places and monuments, and I bought a lot of little things for my parents and cousins in Italy. It was the most relaxing moment of the day out of the hotel!!
Before arriving in Madrid, I hoped to find some handsome Spanish boys but I didn't find them =( there were more Italian boys!!
Every night, after having dinner, we were very tired but we had to take advantage from that moment, so we went out to see "MADRID'S MOVIDA''!! There were more people at night and it was very strange and amazing for us that come from little villages.

The most beautiful place I saw was Plaza de España where there was a monument of the poet called Miguel de Cervantes in the centre of the place (see the photo);

there is also a big fountain and a little open market where everyone could buy whatever because they weren't expensive things!!

We also visited Plaza de Cibeles, Puerta del Sol where there was a monument that rapresented a bear that ate fruits from a tree (this is the symbol of Madrid), Plaza Sant'Ana where we went Wednesday and Friday night and where we saw a flamenco show, and Plaza Mayor. In the last place there were a lot of people that enjoyed seeing some street artists and also some men that painted people who wanted a "caricature" of himself/herself. Francesca and I bought two because we wanted a souvenir!!
They are very funny!! =D

 We visited Atocha's station that was a very strange station because inside there was a tropical garden with a lot of little turtles that are very lovable!! I wanted to take one home but I couldn't!! =(
 We went to San Fernando's Academy where I very appreciated modern art, and to the royal Palace that is very interesting!! The family was certainly very rich if it lived in this residence!!

 So, I hope I will return to Madrid because this city is very interesting and visiting it in only one week is impossible!! The schooltrip has been fantastic and I have still got my head in Madrid!! =)       

mercoledì 16 marzo 2011

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE (2009 and 2010)

In 1901, a man (Jean henri Dunant) received the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE for the first time; from this moment, someone receives it every year, but I will talk only about the last two.
Every year, the ceremony  takes place in Oslo.

The President of United States of America, Barack Obama, received the Nobel Peace Prize with 1,4 million dollars only ten months after becoming President. He was the third American President that received this prize, but he was the first afroamerican president who received it.
The committee of Oslo decided to assign it to him for these reasons:
 ==> his commitment to reinforce international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples;
 ==> his commitment to make a world without nuclear weapons.
In effect, he asks the nuclear disarmament and he is working to restart peace's negotiations in Middle East. So, he's trying to do some very important things for us, he's in the centre of our attention and we hope in a better world. 
He received 1,4 million dollars with the Nobel prize, but he gave this money in charity.

This year, the commettee of Oslo assigned the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo, (who's Chinese and ex university teacher of litterature) because there is a connection between human rights and peace in the world.
Today he's in prison because he's a dissident; he was one of the 300 men that signed the "Charta 08" and he diffused it. In this document they asked some politics reforms like the liberty of religion, printing and reunion.
Liu Xiaobo today is in prison: he sacrificed his liberty to defend his ideas and convinctions.
==> He supported the "war" for democracy, human and civilian rights;
==> He took part in the protest of Tiananman in 1989.
He was accused for getting over the consented limits of expression's liberty. He defended himself saying that his intentions were peace-related but he was condamned so, now, he must stay in prison for 11 years.
The organisations of defence of human rights, and western countries too, reported his sentence. Also Obama, asked China if he could be released.

domenica 13 marzo 2011

What can we do to save the world?

We all live together in a world where not everyone pays attention to preserve nature!! 
But if we want the world to live forever we have to do it and there are a lot of ways.
Last week, we saw a video at school that talked about one of these ways that was to be vegetarian. I think that it can be a good idea but it can be dangerous for our health because we need to eat meat, eggs, milk, cheese...

I think that the biggest problem of the world is pollution.
It is a phenomenon that is always more diffused in the world because we need to produce energy and we do it with sources of energy that aren't renewable; so we produce waste that can't be reused in some way, and we are forced to leave them in the sea or underground; and they are very dangerous.
But, if we can use some sources of renewable energy, (like the energy we take from the sun, the water, the wind ecc.) why don't take advantage of them?
It can be a very good solution to stop the pollution. and there are some contries that already do it. I think that in Italy too we must use them also because they are less expensive. 

It is very important to save the world and everybody has to understand it!! 
We have to try to do it everyday and doing everything all together and we must diffuse the message to everyone, more of all to the young people because they are the future of the world and they will live in this world.

mercoledì 16 febbraio 2011

Our Passions!!!

After having talked about the film "Speak", we will talk about our biggest passions.
B: I like all kinds of sports, with the ecception of football, but my passion is dancing that I have been doing since I was 6 years old.
My dream is to do ballet but unluckily, in this zone it isn't enough appreciated, so I haven't the possibility to do it because there aren't any schools where I can study dance and do some exams. For this reason I do Latin-american and caraibic dances, both in group with some other girls and in couple with a boy, because they are very different activities for people to do, and they are funny!
I think that dancing, like all the other sports, can be a good medicine for people who are living difficult moments, because it helps to not think about the problems of life and, for this reason, I think that everyone must try to do some sports.

 E: In my free time I love singing and dancing folk dances.
I love singing because when I sing I can be in another world and not think about the difficult things, but unlickily I couldn't study it because my family didn't want that I    spend my life studying it.
I also love dancing because I dance with my village's folk group. With my folk group I love to travel and meet new people and new cultures because the different cultures are very interesting!! Dancing folk dances is very difficult because you must move your feet very very quickly and follow the music at the same time but it is very beautiful also because the dresses that we use are very special and they make the choreography spectacular!

sabato 12 febbraio 2011


The violence of women is a phenomenon very widespread in the society and it’s always increasing in a lot of places in spite of the law.
The biggest problem is that this phenomenon is recently starting to spread also between the adolescents, who are developing and who suffer violence from their schoolmates, contemporaries and friends too.

The film “Speak” talks about this problem; Melinda Sordino is the protagonist, she's a young girl that was raped by Andy Evans, a student of the same school she attends. She has a lot of problems with other students of school, with her parents and teachers, especially because she’s afraid to speak about his big problem with someone that can help her in some way and she hasn’t the courage to do it.
The film also speaks about the relationships between the protagonist, the parents and the teachers.
Her parents don’t know anything and they don’t worry about their daughter who has strange attitudes when she’s at school, at home, who every night has nightmares and she often gets bad grades in some subjects. Her mother is too busy with her work and her father is too indifferent because he’s unemployed and he’s always looking for a job; they don’t spend any time with Melinda so they can’t understand that she needs help.
The only teacher who understands that she has a serious problem, is the Art teacher (Mr. Neck); he helps her during his lessons and they became almost friends. The behaviour of the teacher of social studies is very different because he’s very indifferent to her.
That’s a very bad thing because I think that the teachers can help some students not only for the school but for some private problems too.